Image above: Graphic to illustrate hydraulic balancing. © Luana AG, 2023

Hydronic balancing

Investment in energy efficiency & long-term cost savings

Hydronic balancing is an important step towards maximizing the efficiency of your heating system and saving on your energy costs. In this blog post, we inform you about what hydronic balancing is, why it is important, how exactly it is carried out by our specialists, and what costs you can expect for your sustainable investment.

What is hydronic balancing?

Optimum heat distribution for efficient heating

Hydronic balancing (also called hydraulic balancing) is a procedure used in heating systems to ensure that the heating water flows evenly to the radiators or underfloor heating systems. The aim is to optimize the heat distribution in a building in order to heat each room efficiently. This is achieved by adjusting the flow rates of the radiators or heating circuits.

Why is hydronic balancing important?

Cost reduction & CO₂ reduction

An unbalanced heating system can lead to uneven heat distribution, making some rooms too warm and others too cold. This can not only affect living comfort, but also lead to unnecessarily high energy costs. Hydronic balancing can help to solve these problems and offer the following benefits:

  1. Energy savings: An optimally balanced heating system requires less energy to reach the desired room temperature. This can significantly reduce your heating costs.
  2. Significantly lower & intelligent power consumption: High-efficiency pumps impress with significantly lower and intelligent power consumption. This is possible thanks to modern pump technology. By replacing the circulation pump with a new high-efficiency pump, electricity costs can be reduced.
  3. Reduction in operating costs: Hydronic balancing can lower the system temperature and reduce operating costs.
  4. Improved comfort: Hydronic balancing ensures even heat distribution throughout the building, which increases living comfort.
  5. Extended service life of your heating system: The service life of your system is extended by reducing overloads and evenly loading the radiators or underfloor heating.
  6. Avoid flow noises: Thermostatic valves with automatic flow control ensure that all radiators receive the right amount of water and noise is eliminated. In addition, the maximum differential pressure is limited, which also ensures that there are no flow noises.
  7. Environmental protection: Less energy consumption also means a lower environmental impact and a reduction in CO₂ emissions.

How to carry out hydronic balancing?

Several steps by our professionals

We carry out hydronic balancing by our specialised experts (e.g. heating engineers or plumbers) in the following steps:

  1. Inventory: Firstly, we take a detailed inventory of your heating system and your building. This includes the number of radiators and heating circuits as well as their size and location. The transmission heat losses of the building envelope are also recorded.
  2. Calculations: Based on the data collected, our calculations are carried out to determine the optimum flow rates for each radiator or heating circuit. This takes into account relevant factors such as room size, heat demand (heating load), and the length of the pipework.
  3. Adjustments: The flow rates of the radiators or heating circuits are adjusted by installing the ultra-modern thermostatic radiator valve Eclipse from IMI Heimeier. These valves regulate the flow rate independently of the differential pressure. Complex calculations to determine the set values are therefore not necessary. We also use HydroControl balancing valves from oventrop.
  4. Check: After the adjustments, your system is carefully checked to ensure that the desired heat distribution is achieved. We also check whether we can reduce the system temperature to achieve further savings for you.
  5. Documentation: It is important to document the hydronic balancing in order to have reference values and to ensure that your system continues to function optimally in the future. You will receive all documents and calculations. These are the basis for many subsidies.

Although hydronic balancing requires an investment, it pays off for your residents in the form of energy savings and increased comfort. For you as lessors, the adjustment is worthwhile, as it fulfils the legal requirements in Germany and makes the property more attractive due to lower ancillary rental costs. It also makes you property more attractive. It is a measure that is of great importance for both—new and existing buildings—in order to operate your heating system in an efficient and environmentally friendly manner.

What does hydronic balancing cost?

Depending on several factors

The cost of hydronic balancing can vary depending on the size of the building, the number of radiators, and the complexity of the system. As a rule, however, you can expect the following cost factors:

  1. Labour costs: You need the services and expertise of experts such as heating engineers or plumbers for hydronic balancing. The labour costs at Luana are directly related to the time required.
  2. Material costs: These may include new valves, circulation pumps, thermostatic valves, and balancing valves.
  3. Time required: The time required for hydronic balancing naturally depends on the size of your system and the number of radiators. The more complex the system, the longer the balancing process will take. We would be happy to calculate a customized quote for you.

Professional heat load calculation1

€ 2

per m²

  • According to DIN specifications

  • On-site recording included

  • Travel costs included

  • Creation of a project plan included

Hydronic balancing2

€ 150

per radiator

  • Material costs included

  • Installation included

  • 2 Arrivals & departures included

Hydronic balancing underfloor heating3

from€ 446

  • Material costs included

  • Installation included

  • 2 Arrivals & departures included

1) For properties (real estate) in Germany with a net floor area of 3,000 m² or more.

2) The heating load calculation is the basis for hydronic balancing. For you, this means that hydraulic balancing cannot be offered without a prior heat load calculation.

3) Hydraulic balancing for panel heating systems (underfloor heating) has a price scale, as material costs depend on your heating circuits. We would be happy to advise you and provide you with a customized quote.

All prices are exclusive of additional costs and only apply to properties located in Germany.

Is hydronic balancing subsidised?

Yes, e.g. through the Federal Office of Economics and Export Control (BAFA).

Funding for hydronic balancing can vary from country to country, region to region, and even from city to city. Whether and, if so, to what extent you are entitled to a subsidy must be checked on a case-by-case basis. Further information can be found here (Please note: you will be redirected to a website in German) on the website of the Federal Office of Economics and Export Control (BAFA).


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