
We act sustainably.



We act as one team.



We act appreciatively.



We act with integrity.


Our mantra: we take action.

We act and we act according to our values.

Our action-oriented corporate values are the overarching values of Luana, which systemically combined result in the individual value system of Luana according to which we act. Our entire team identifies with the values of sustainability, community, appreciation, and integrity and acts from this self-committed attitude.

  • Sustainability

We act sustainably.

Sustainability is one of our four corporate values and is therefore firmly anchored in our culture. Our aspiration is to think holistically about sustainability and to live and act accordingly in all dimensions—environment, economy, and society. We see it as our responsibility to contribute to sustainable development. For us, sustainability means considering corporate decisions and actions equally from an economic, technological, social, and ecological perspective.

#health #safety #responsibility

  • Community

We act as one team.

We understand team spirit to mean, above all, joint action. For us, team spirit means a feeling of togetherness and is, in our view, the most essential element within our team. However, we also understand joint action to mean integrative cooperation with our customers and partners. Important for us are openness, fun, and trust.

#trust #fun #teamspirit

  • Appreciation

We act appreciatively.

For us, appreciation means mutual recognition and respect. We understand appreciative action to mean treating each other with respect and fairness, characterized by gratitude and humanity. Our management lives these values just like our entire team.

#gratitude #fairness #humanity

  • Integrity

We act with integrity.

The value of integrity is central to Luana. We act with integrity in everything we do and embody our principles in our interactions with customers, investors, partners, suppliers, and,—last but not least— our colleagues.

#sincerity #honesty #reliability

  • Sustainability

We act sustainably.

Sustainability is one of our four corporate values and is therefore firmly anchored in our culture. Our aspiration is to think holistically about sustainability and to live and act accordingly in all dimensions—environment, economy, and society. We see it as our responsibility to contribute to sustainable development. For us, sustainability means considering corporate decisions and actions equally from an economic, technological, social and ecological perspective.

#health #safety #responsibility

  • Gemeinschaft

Wir handeln gemeinschaftlich.

Unter gemeinschaftlichem Handeln verstehen wir vor allem Teamgeist. Teamgeist bedeutet für uns Zusammengehörigkeitsgefühl und ist aus unserer Sicht das wesentlichste Element innerhalb unseres Teams. Unter gemeinschaftlichem Handeln verstehen wir aber vor allem auch die integrative Zusammenarbeit mit unseren Kund:innen und Partner:innen. Wichtig hierbei sind uns Offenheit, Spaß und Vertrauen.

#Spass #Teamgeist #Vertrauen

  • Wertschätzung

Wir handeln wertschätzend.

Wertschätzung bedeutet für uns gegenseitige Anerkennung und Achtung. Unter wertschätzendem Handeln verstehen wir einen respektvollen und fairen Umgang miteinander, der von Dankbarkeit und Menschlichkeit geprägt ist. Unser Management lebt diese Werte genauso wie unser gesamtes Team.

#Dankbarkeit #Fairness #Menschlichkeit

Unsere Werte: WertschätzungWerte-Wertschätzung-Zettel
  • Integrität

Wir handeln integer.

Der Wert der Integrität ist für Luana von zentraler Bedeutung. Wir handeln bei allem, was wir tun, mit Integrität und verkörpern unsere Grundsätze in der Zusammenarbeit mit Kund:innen, Investor:innen, Partner:innen, Lieferant:innen und Kolleg:innen.

#Aufrichtigkeit #Ehrlichkeit #Zuverlässigkeit

Contact our competence team

Any questions?

Our competence team “culture & values” will be happy to answer any questions you may have.
We look forward to your questions and feedback.

Contact our competence team